Friday, January 22, 2010



About two years ago, my wife, Barbara, and I adopted Skippy from the Wylie Animal Rescue Foundation. We have had dogs all of our lives but this is the first time we adopted one. Skippy is a small (about 25lbs.) mixed breed with a lot of Whippet in his genes. We know that because it is impossible to catch him when he is racing around our house if he does not want to be caught.
Skippy has a habit of picking up our stuff in his mouth and showing us he has it and than begins the game of “chase” which he always wins. One night, a few days ago, he somehow got hold of Barbara’s bottom denture. The game began and we lost again, but this time we could not find where he had placed Barbara’s teeth. We searched all over the house without luck in discovering where he had hidden them. Naturally, I was furious.
First I yelled at my wife for putting her denture in a place where Skippy could find them. We searched again, lifting up the sofas and chairs and still had no luck. This time I yelled at Skippy and told him that he was going to the pound the next day. Of course, I could never do that, as I love Skippy too much. Within a few minutes, Skippy appeared with the teeth in his mouth and dropped them at my feet. He was not going to the pound!

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